Asbestos Lawyers New York

The effects of asbestos are not immediate and it can take up to 50 years for symptoms to appear. The negative effects of asbestos have been known for decades and there has been sufficient litigation regarding asbestos over the years that the federal government has stepped in and implement laws regarding asbestos. An initial consultation with a Asbestos Lawyers New York at the firm of Fears.

Nachawati should be your first step to fully examine where your asbestos related illness stems from. With over 30 years experience in handling personal injury claims and 10 years in the handling of mesothelioma cases, we have the expertise and resources you need.

Nationwide Help From Asbestos Lawyers New York For Asbestos Cases

Because the symptoms of asbestos related diseases aren’t apparent for an extended period of time following exposure, they are always devastating. Even though the medical field has developed methods for slowing the progression of and alleviating symptoms of asbestos related diseases, there are no current cures.

Manufacturers and industries have been aware of the adverse affects surrounding asbestos for some time but failed to take appropriate precautions. This knowledge can possibly prove negligence on their part and your case should be examined for potential compensation and punitive damages relating to any asbestos disease that may have developed.